can not only treat alcohol addiction through medication and psychotherapy. There are many popular recipes that can help a person overcome addiction. Most of these remedies are based on herbs.
However, although plant materials may seem harmless, they can cause harm if used incorrectly. Therefore, it is necessary to know exactly which herbs help quit drinking and how to use them correctly.
Herbal treatment rules
When planning to use any herbal medicine to give up alcohol, please keep some rules in mind:
- Before herbal treatment, toxins and toxins should be removed from the body.
- All dosages indicated in the formula must be strictly followed, because some plants are very powerful, while others are usually poisonous;
- It is not recommended to use alcohol tins to replace decoctions and infusions, which will not increase the therapeutic effect, and will cause decomposition in alcohol (in addition, certain herbs are absolutely incompatible with alcohol);
- Before starting to take herbal medicine, you must make sure that the patient has no allergic reactions.
- Herbal treatment should be stopped immediately when there are signs of poisoning or general deterioration of health.

Herbs for alcoholism
There are many herbs that can help you get rid of the trouble of drinking. Most of them are based on the fact that mixing with alcohol can cause dizziness, nausea and vomiting. The serious condition over and over after drinking makes self-protection work instinct. The alcoholic is afraid of drinking and expects that he will get sick again.
In addition, a reflex is formed-a person sees a direct connection between taking alcoholic beverages and painful symptoms. On this basis, he gradually develops a feeling of disgust for alcohol.
People's folk remedies for alcoholism are very popular. They have been used to ease the craving for alcohol long before the advent of drugs. For processing, the plants can be brewed individually or as part of a collection. Centaury eliminates the craving for alcohol, purifies the toxins in the body, and normalizes the function of internal organs.
To prepare the broth, 2 tablespoons are needed. The spoon is fresh or dried for centuries. Pour them into 250ml of boiling water, cook them on low heat for 10-15 minutes, and then hold for 2 hours. Strain the broth before use. Drink one third of three cups a day. The course of treatment is two weeks.
Muppet (Chemeritsa)
Puppet tincture is most commonly used in secret treatment of alcoholism. The herb is highly toxic. Mixing with alcohol can cause the strongest symptoms of poisoning-drop in blood pressure and vomiting. This can be explained by the fact that the alkaloids present in plants disrupt the activities of the cardiovascular and digestive systems.

To prepare the agent, pour 20 grams of raw materials (you can use both the herb itself and the root) into 400 ml of vodka and leave it in the dark for 10 days. After that, the liquid must be carefully filtered. How to use: Add 5 drops of of agent to beverages or alcoholic foods. The treatment continues until the form of persistent aversion to alcohol.
Important! Using puppets to get rid of alcoholism brings various complications from severe poisoning to stroke, because this herb has many side effects. Do not use it without consulting a doctor.
Bay leaf
Bay leaf is another effective drinking therapy. The agent is made of 2-3 large leaves and 200 ml of high-quality vodka. Inject the liquid in the dark for 12-15 days and then filter. One third of the infusion is given to the patient every day. After 3 days, the positive effect has been seen-a person refuses to drink.
European c-hooves are well-known as an effective means to stop drinking. After taking the drug in the context of drinking alcohol, the patient may feel unwell, experience severe nausea, and may vomit. To prepare for the method of abstinence, the most commonly used is not grass, but the root of clefthoof.
Cleft hoof f is prepared as follows: Pour 15 grams of chopped rhizomes into a cup of hot water, and immediately remove from the heat after boiling. Strain after half an hour. Drink 20 ml of decoction once a day. It is believed that clefthoof cattle has achieved good results in secretly treating alcoholism.
Thyme (or thyme) is another common treatment for alcoholism. The combination of thyme and alcohol can cause abdominal cramps and vomiting, so patients will quickly develop an aversion to alcohol. Moreover, even with a small amount of alcohol, discomfort may occur when using thyme products.
There are several options for preparing thyme soup from alcoholism.
One of the recipes is as follows: 3 tablespoons. Pour the raw material of the spoon into a cup of boiling water and hold for an hour. The filtered liquid should be drunk 3 times a day, 1 tablespoon each time. Spoon. The course of treatment is 2 weeks. If necessary, you can restart the course after a week break.
Another way to extract thyme from alcoholism is as follows: 3 tablespoons. Pour a few scoops of dry ingredients into 0. 5 liters of water, and then set them on fire. After the liquid has boiled, boil it on low heat for about 30 minutes. Then put it in the shade for an hour. After filtering the broth, add warm water to 0. 5 liters. Pour the product into an alcoholic beverage. For 0. 5 liters of strong alcohol, 3 tablespoons are enough. Spoon.
Thyme works best in the treatment of alcoholism in the early stages of the disease (addiction is not very strong).
Important! When preparing thyme decoction, it must be remembered that the combination of this herb and alcohol can produce strong adverse reactions, so in order to get quick results, you should not exceed the dose.
Lovage is a perennial herb of the celery family and is often used for alcoholism. Since combined use with alcoholic beverages can cause unpleasant painful symptoms, such remedies can provide fast and fairly stable results:
- Vomiting, nausea;
- Diarrhea;
- Abdominal pain.
The root of Lone Ranger is alcoholism. Pour 2 tablespoons of crushed rhizomes into 250 ml of boiling water and hold for 50-60 minutes. After that, the liquid was filtered and poured into a glass container. Pour lovage directly into 2 tablespoons of alcohol. The spoon can drink 0. 5 liters of beverage. The treatment continues until a persistent aversion to alcohol develops.
Pueraria lobata
Unlike many herbal preparations that cause alcohol aversion, Pueraria lobata from the Asian medical community is different. Due to its chemical composition, the plant significantly enhances the effect of alcohol, so people can be poisoned from much lower doses. Therefore, less alcohol enters the body, which means that toxins are eliminated faster and hangovers are easier.

Products based on Pueraria lobata root have a cumulative effect, and with the passage of time, the craving for alcohol will weaken, and the body begins to recover due to the natural hepatoprotective agents and antioxidants contained in the plant.
Sorrel soup can help improve health and reduce symptoms of poisoning after overeating. Used to prepare 1 tablespoon of medicine. Boil a spoonful of plant roots with a cup of boiling water and boil for 5-10 minutes. Then they persisted for two hours and filtered. It is necessary to drink 60-70 ml 3 times a day.
St. John's Wort
St. John's Wort contains many natural antidepressants, vitamins and active substances that suppress alcohol cravings. Pour a few spoons of herbs into a glass of boiling water, then heat it in a water bath for half an hour. Drink half a cup of broth twice a day. The duration of the course depends on the result and is 2-3 weeks.
Ram is another herb that helps fight alcohol addiction. The effect is achieved within 1-2 months. Herbal infusions combined with herbal intake can cause prolonged vomiting. Boil 5 grams of grass in 250 ml of water for 5 minutes, then inject it for 30 minutes and filter. Drink 50-70 ml of product 15-20 minutes before ingesting alcohol. In addition, it is recommended not only to drink, but also to smell, so that not only the taste of the wine, but also the smell of the wine is offensive.
Wormwood infusion will help reduce cravings for alcohol. For it prepare 1 tablespoon. Pour a spoonful of herbs into a glass of boiling water and hold for 20 minutes. The filter is divided into three parts and must be taken half an hour before meals. The course of treatment is 10-12 days.There are many positive reviews about the efficacy of wormwood and thyme soup. Herbs must be mixed in a ratio of 1, 4, or 2 tablespoons. Spoon the mixture and pour 0. 5 liters of boiling water. Cook for ten minutes, then let it sit for an hour. After the broth has cooled, filter it. Three times a day, 50 ml each time. The treatment time is 1 month.
Herbs for alcohol poisoning
After drinking a lot of alcohol or overeating, it is necessary to relieve the person’s condition and eliminate the symptoms of poisoning. There are several proven traditional medicine recipes that can be used for this purpose:
Tansy Decoction can reduce almost all unpleasant symptoms of poisoning;You can use vomiting herbs to clean your body quickly, but you must proceed with caution.
Herbal preparations
Many herbs are effective in alcohol poisoning herbs. Herbal tea not only helps eliminate alcohol addiction, but also relieves stress, stabilizes the body's work, and restores sleep and appetite to normal.
Several popular herbal teas for alcoholism:
- St. John's Wort, Wormwood, Oarrow Grass, Thyme, Mint, Juniper. Pour 1 tablespoon of herbal mixture into 1 liter of boiling water and infuse for 20-25 minutes. The filtered fluid should be drunk 3-4 times a day for 15 days. After a week of rest, this process will be repeated.
- Temperance Temple Tea is another effective drink that can reduce the craving for alcohol. Brew 1 teaspoon of the mixture with a cup of boiling water, infuse for 20 minutes, and strain. Take the product according to the manufacturer's instructions.
- Clefthoof coffee is a powerful and effective treatment, but it should be avoided to avoid side effects.

Attention! You can buy herbs to prepare alcoholism costs from a pharmacy, or you can collect them yourself (but only if you are proficient in botany and make sure you have found the plants you need).
Attention! Herbs for alcoholism should not be treated like regular tea. It is strongly recommended that you consult a doctor before use.
When using herbs, one must proceed with caution and remember possible contraindications. The main contraindication is the individual tolerance of any ingredient. In addition, there are some other restrictions:
- Herbs that cause vomiting should not be used in people who have been diagnosed with stomach diseases (gastritis, ulcers);
- Suffering from high blood pressure, Chinese herbal medicine can cause complications;
- Herbal treatment of alcoholism is also prohibited for diabetics.
Certain herbs can actually help reduce the desire to drink alcohol. They may not completely cure a person, but as an additional remedy, they are very effective. If you want to use folk remedies, you need to ensure that there are no contraindications and strictly follow the prescription and prescribed dosage.